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BRAF Research

Report on Louisiana Healthcare Delivery and Financing System

Published on: March 4, 2006

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was retained by the Louisiana Recovery Authority Support Foundation to assist in developing recommendations—widely viewed by local, regional and national experts—that could significantly improve the health care delivery system in Louisiana. Download the Report The Foundation was a supporting organization of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation. It was created to provide experts needed […]

Booz Hamilton: Invest in BR, NOLA airports

Published on: April 4, 2007

The Baton Rouge Area Foundation and the Baton Rouge Area Chamber commissioned a review of South Louisiana airports to determine if a new airport was needed between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Booz Hamilton, a consulting firm hired for the project, reported that Baton Rouge and New Orleans should continue to invest in their own […]

The Big Idea: Rebranding the I-10/12 Corridor

Published on: November 11, 2007

Noticing the fast population growth along the I-10 corridor, The Baton Rouge Area Foundation signed up Idea City to deliver a brand that would let the cities come together to build their economies around a single purpose. Idea City immersed itself in the region and delivered this purpose: To bring energy to life. Read the […]

Two recommendations for improving public schools

Published on: January 3, 2008

The Baton Rouge Area Foundation commissioned a report to seek answers to public education from principals and educators. Written by SSA Consultants, the report offers two main recommendations: 1) a system of high-quality, full-time academies for overage and disruptive students; 2) a system of feed-back circles would allow for two-way communication between those in the […]

Analysis: Operating St. George May Require Tax Increases

Published on: December 19, 2014

The proposed city of St. George would immediately run into a cash shortfall, likely requiring an increase in property taxes to pay for daily operations and to build new schools, says a report by accounting firm Faulk & Winkler for the Baton Rouge Area Foundation and the Baton Rouge Area Chamber. Download the Report The […]

Economist: Mental Health Center would save EBR millions

Published on: May 19, 2015

If residents with mental illness and substance abuse problems were treated instead of jailed, East Baton Rouge government would directly save millions of tax dollars and accumulate secondary benefits, an economic analysis commissioned by the Baton Rouge Area Foundation concludes. Download the Report Basing his research on an effective model in San Antonio, economist M. […]

Baton Rouge Lakes Master Plan

Published on: July 16, 2015

Designers hired by the Baton Rouge Area Foundation recommend dredging the lakes to improve water quality, installing a sediment bypass system to sustain the lakes for decades, and building shoreline amenities for the most popular outdoor destination in the parish. Download the Report Nearly 300 people attended a public unveiling of the master plan at […]

Health District Master Plan

Published on: December 11, 2015

The Baton Rouge Area Foundation today released a master plan for the Health District, a prescription for a thriving but congested area where more health care assets will be under construction soon. Download the Report Among its central recommendations are new roads and improved infrastructure to improve circulation, a four-year LSU medical school, a Diabetes […]

Report: Start Treatment Center for Mental Illness, Substance Abuse

Published on: February 22, 2016

In a report issued today, a health consulting firm engaged by the Baton Rouge Area Foundation offers a plan to create a treatment center for East Baton Rouge residents suffering from mental illness and substance abuse problems. Download the Report Health Management Associates recommends a new nonprofit be formed to establish and run the center, […]