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BRAF’s Opportunity Data Project shines light on pathways to disrupt violent crime

Latest briefing reveals clear connection between justice involvement and low educational attainment; targeted interventions outlined in report.  Baton Rouge, LA – The Baton Rouge Area Foundation has announced the release of the next iteration of the Opportunity Data Project, a collaborative effort with data science firm Common Good Labs. This fifth briefing offers insights from […]

Baton Rouge Leaders Gather

Sasaki selected as Plan Baton Rouge III consultant

Internationally renowned firm will meld best practices with unique local needs to develop comprehensive plan for downtown.  Baton Rouge, LA – Internationally renowned planning group Sasaki has been selected to lead Plan Baton Rouge III, a planning initiative focused on advancing downtown Baton Rouge. Planning meetings began in earnest yesterday (February 17th), with consultants visiting Baton […]

Three Firms Shortlisted for Downtown Master Plan

Baton Rouge civic leaders announced the planning firms shortlisted for the Plan Baton Rouge Phase III Master Plan, a comprehensive planning process aimed at revitalizing and enhancing downtown Baton Rouge. Community champions, the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge, Downtown Development District, Visit Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge Area Chamber, and Baton Rouge Area Foundation have partnered to sponsor Plan Baton Rouge III. The plan will focus on the […]

Aaliyah Bilal named winner of the 17th annual Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence.

Baton Rouge, LA – The Baton Rouge Area Foundation today announced that Aaliyah Bilal’s TEMPLE FOLK is the winner of the 17th annual Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence. This prestigious award, presented to an emerging African American fiction writer, celebrates the enduring legacy of the late Ernest Gaines, whose narratives eloquently capture the voices of African […]

Baton Rouge Area Foundation launches next installment of Opportunity Data Project

The Baton Rouge Area Foundation today announced they have released the next installment of the Opportunity Data Project focused on early childhood education. Analysis revealed that, despite near-universal access to Pre-K 4 programs, students in EBR are showing up unprepared for kindergarten. One third of economically disadvantaged EBR students scored a zero on the kindergarten readiness exam, while the national average is 13%. Of these students, over 60% were unable to read at a basic level by third grade.

riverfront baton rouge water campus

Baton Rouge Area Foundation Announces New Cohort of Development Fellows

25 leaders selected to receive training in the field of development  Baton Rouge, Louisiana – The Baton Rouge Area Foundation today announced the 2024 cohort of Development Fellows, a program of the Foundation’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence. One of the Foundation’s signature programs, Development Fellows is a workshop series that teaches fundraising fundamentals to enhance […]

Baton Rouge Area Foundation releases 15th Annual CityStats Report

Baton Rouge, LA – The Baton Rouge Area Foundation (BRAF) today announced the release of the 15th iteration of its CityStats report, a survey assessing key indicators to gauge quality of life and access to opportunity in East Baton Rouge Parish. This year’s report reveals that there has been a positive shift in the community’s […]