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Pandemic Prophecies: Q&A with LSU’s Sasha Thackaberry

Editor’s note: The Foundation’s magazine, Currents, includes a cover story in which experts offer ideas and predict the future after the pandemic. This piece is part of the cover story, which you can read in its entirety at this link. By Sara Bongiorni We asked Alexandera “Sasha” Thackaberry, VP of LSU online and continuing education, […]

Business with a Higher Purpose

By Sara Bongiorni Lonnie Bickford drills wells, builds orphanages and repairs schools in some of the poorest places on Earth. He built a basketball court and emergency shelter at a school in The Philippines and set up a sewing center that provides job training at a desert settlement in sub-Saharan Africa. Lonnie and Jacci Bickford. […]

Pandemic Prophecies: future of parks

Editor’s note: The Foundation’s magazine, Currents, includes a cover story in which experts offer ideas and predict the future after the pandemic. This piece is part of the cover story, which you can read in its entirety at this link. By Kinder Baumgardner Kinder Baumgardner, SWA Group Kinder Baumgardner, SWA Group The view from my […]

Pandemic Resource: @HOME Powered by Pennington

By Sara Bongiorni PBRC @Home #17 – Beat Stress – Social.jpg Expert guidance on improving nutrition, mood, sleep and fitness during the coronavirus pandemic is available through a social-media initiative launched by Pennington Biomedical Research Center in late April. The main hub for @HOME Powered by Pennington is a Facebook group, but Pennington also reaches […]

Pandemic Prophecies: 20-minute neighborhoods

Editor’s note: The Foundation’s magazine, Currents, includes a cover story in which experts offer ideas and predict the future after the pandemic. This piece is part of the cover story, which you can read in its entirety at this link. By Camille Manning-Broome Public health, climate change and equity are the driving challenges of our […]

How the BR lakes came to be

By Mukul Verma Historically, Louisiana State University and City Park lakes have, together, shaped our city. City Park Lake, circa 1929. At the bottom right, a swamp that was transformed into University Lake. City Park Lake, circa 1929. At the bottom right, a swamp that was transformed into University Lake. LSU started out in downtown […]

Her beat goes on

By Sara Bongiorni Laurabeth Henderson Hicks, PhD, spent her elementary years inside a segregated, one-room school in Depressionera Las Cruces, New Mexico. The teacher was Laurabeth’s mother, who had moved her family to the New Mexico desert from Galveston, Texas. She taught Laurabeth and seven other African American children subjects from math to piano. Outside […]

Lakes project shows how Foundation selects civic initiatives

By Bill Balhoff, Foundation board chair Seeing is believing. Like the blossoming of some great, repellent flower, a months-old algae bloom has left no room for doubt: The time to save our lakes has come. Bill+Balhoff.jpg The Foundation, with support from our members and donors, had produced a $1 million master plan in 2016 to […]

No 1 in this, too

LSU collaborates with Pennington to change sports science. That teamwork rarely happens elsewhere. By Sara Bongiorni Sports-science research is accelerating inside LSU’s football program and changing injury-prevention strategies on the field in Baton Rouge and on campuses nationwide. Driving the research is a highly unusual collaboration among LSU kinesiologists, athletic trainers and scientists from Pennington […]