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Ourso Family Foundation


The purpose of the E.J. and Marjory B. Ourso Family Foundation is to provide philanthropic support for South Louisiana, which has been good to the family over generations. Grant applicants should keep in mind that the Foundation gives priority to projects which build on human initiative and service to mankind. The Foundation will provide grants to support nonprofit organizations which have new, creative or beneficial projects which respond to challenges in the following program areas: education, healthcare, human services and religion. 

The Board of Directors reviews proposals on a quarterly basis. 

Reporting Requirement

If a grant is awarded, the Foundation requires that the funded organization submit both fiscal accounting and narrative reports on the use of its grant and the impact that the grant may have had on the community it serves. Reporting guidelines will be established in the letter of award. 

Grant Application Details

All interested applicants must REGISTER as a Grants Administrator to submit an application.  


  • Every application must include a summary which provides the following information:
  • Project name
  • Organization’s address
  • Organization’s phone number
  • Organization’s fax number (if applicable)
  • Chief executive officer/senior official
  • Senior official’s email address
  • Board approved mission statement
  • Date mission statement approved by the board
  • Date organization incorporated as a 501(c)(3)
  • Web page/social media
  • Description of the project (no more than 3 sentences)
  • Compelling reason for the project
  • Amount requested
  • Program or project director’s name
  • Project director’s phone number
  • Project director’s email address
  • Target population
  • Project area of interest
  • Geographic region
  • Project start date
  • Project end date

Narrative Section

The application should be 1-3 typed pages and should include the following information:

  • A concise history of the organization with an overview of current programs and activities
  • A description of the challenge to be addressed by the project
  • A detailed description of the project, including strategies, measurable objectives and a timetable. Note if the project is a replication of a successful evidenced-based model
  • A plan for continuing the project once the Foundation’s funding ends
  • A plan for evaluating the project


  1. Narrative
  2. The names and qualifications of the persons responsible for carrying out the program
  3. A detailed project budget and budget narrative, including income sources and expenditures, as well as a list of proposed funders
  4. A list of the organization’s board members including the board members’ principal occupations, a description of the term of office and the rotation schedule of the board
  5. Financial statements, including the organization’s operation budget, balance sheet and statements of support, revenue and expenses for the last completed and current fiscal year
  6. A signed memorandum of understanding with the fiscal agent, if applicable
  7. A statement from the organization’s board of directors authorizing the request and agreeing to implement the project if funded
  8. A copy of the IRS letter of determination stating that the organization is tax-exempt, or a copy of the organization’s fiscal agent’s letter of determination along with a letter from the organization stating its willingness to serve as fiscal agent
  9. A list of collaborations/partners


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